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 Price list for English & Swedish translation

Translation prices for English to Swedish and Swedish to English translations. You will also find prices for Swedish proofreading, English proofreading, Swedish & English voice-overs and even English transcription and Swedish transcription. The world market average rate for translation to and from Swedish is around 0.14 USD/word. If you contact a Swedish translation agency situated in Sweden you will often be quoted a price in the range 1-3 SEK/word, which corresponds to $0.10-0.35, but changes with time due to currency rate variations. As you can see from the price list for translation below the image, my rates are well in the lower end of the spectrum and very affordable indeed. The reason I can maintain a lower more competitive prices is due to the fact that I am a travelling freelancer, often working from Asian countries with lower cost of living. When you hire me you don't need to pay for rent and a flashy office in the central part of Stockholm! The lower price does not mean you get a lower quality service, in fact, it's rather the contrary - I have a Master in Accounting and Finance and a varied work experience from several international companies. I also run the English Accounting & Finance Blog here as well as the Swedish counterpart which both focus on sole proprietors starting and running a business, but also have many articles about the economy, finance, accounting and economics in general. Please have a look at them and evaluate my writing skills! This also ensures that I stay up to date with both keywords and phrases as well as maintaining my high level of language competence in both Swedish and English.

Prices for English and Swedish translations, proofreading and voice-overs

Translation English<->Swedish ...........$0.10/word

Voice-Over .............................................$10/min


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